Jo-Anne Eadie, CHt, Published Author of the Book "Exhale Weight." She has a successful business with an office on her beautiful ranch made out of her barn.
Jo-Anne is also the President and Founder of the Canadian Hypnosis Conference. You can find out more about the conference....see bottom of page.
You may find out more about Jo-Anne at her website:
About Jo-Anne Eadie
I have been married over 50 years and have raised five children. I also have a two daughter-in-laws, two sons-in-law, and nine grandchildren. I mention this first because I think this is, and always will be, what I believe to be my greatest work and accomplishment in this lifetime. Whatever the future holds cannot compare to the joy and love of my husband Brian and my family.
I began this wonderful spiritual journey when I was forty something when someone gave me the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay. The correlation between emotion and “dis-ease” struck a cord in me and I stepped on the path. What a wonderful journey it has been so far and it is exciting to know that it is far from over and will continue until the day I leave the planet.
I am Founder and President of “The Brantford Dance Festival” I built it from the beginning until it was one of the largest and longest annual Festivals in North America. We raised thousands of dollars for the Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts and gave thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving young dancers. It was known and respected as “the” competition to go to. If you won in Brantford, you had really accomplished something. Soon, many others had begun to run their own competitions and the market became flooded. Many of my original ideas were copied and I personally felt it was time for me to move on.
My husband, myself and two of our adult children and their spouses had just purchased a horse farm together and for the next couple of years, I revelled in nature and kept busy learning accounting for Tri-Star Farms Ltd.
It was the month of January and my youngest child, Cindy was in her final year of high school and would be off to university the following September. I had been a Mother so long, and I was wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I began to meditate on this every day. “What is the next step in my life? Tell me what it is I need to know”
In the summer, I had a problem that I felt I needed extra help with and began to see a traditional Psychologist who did this strange technique called EFT. (Do you think it was an accident that I picked her? – The Universe one step ahead of me.) I went about six times and released old stuck “stuff” from my childhood that had affected me my whole life. Every week when I came out of her office, I felt lighter, walked taller and had a genuine sense of well being. My husband saw an immediate calmness and peacefulness about me. I wanted more of this !!!!! I attended my first Energy Psychology Conference in Toronto, and I realized that there was a whole world of Energy Healing Modalities and like minded people.
I took a basic EFT workshop and ordered the video tapes from the website, I couldn’t learn enough about this. I took my EFT-CC exam (Certificate of Completion) and I have since taken Gary Craig’s Borrowing Benefits Workshop in Arizona (April 2003). I completed and passed my advanced EFT exam in May 2004. Since then the Certification criteria changed and I have taken the new exam and I am now Cert. 1 in EFT
The next course I took was Dowsing from Bill Northern in West Virginia. I met him at a horse sale in Pennsylvania. I talked with him for over an hour and I knew I had to take Dowsing from him. I was an executive member as Convention Registrar, Membership and Associate Group Liaison in the Canadian Society of Dowsers for almost five years. I am a member of the Hamilton Dowsers, Bradenton Florida Dowsers and I am the leader of four Dowsing Groups that meet monthly. The Canadian Society of Dowsers presented me with the distinction and honour of 2012 Dowser of the Year.
My first love and #1 Healing Modality is EFT and probably always will be, but I travelled to many places taking many courses. I took Level 1 and 2 of EDxTM. (Lesley Corvino) (Fred Gallo) I learned muscle testing inside and out. I took Level 1 of Seemorg Matrix (Bari J. Bannister) (Asha Nahoma Clinton) learning all about chakras and chakra work. Level 1 of Reiki, Level 1 of Light Language (Jerry Pegden) Although I did not go on to complete all the Levels of these, each gave me a new understanding about myself and added another tool to use with clients. I have used methods and techniques from every training that I have taken.
The next course I took was National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Accreditation from the Ontario Hypnosis Centre. (Georgina Cannon) Here was the tool that blended perfectly for me with EFT. Georgina has perhaps been one of the most influential and pivotal Teachers in my journey. She made me examine myself (sometimes painfully so) and get myself out of the way so I could become the best EFT Practitioner, Counselor and Hypnotherapist I could be. I have taken Hypnosis for Children (Barb Keshen), Past Life Regression, Pain Management Certification, and Spirit Entity Release (Georgina Cannon) Rapid Induction and Stage Hypnosis (Jeff Oatman) Counselling Skills (Heather Rose), Hypnosis for Childbirth (Shawn Gallagher), NLP Basic Practitioner and Sports Psychology (Will Horton) and finally my Master Hypnotherapy Certification (Georgina Cannon) Once again, the criteria has changed and Hypnotists are now called “Consulting Hypnotists” I am a Master Consulting Hypnotist. .
I found the counselling skills parts so interesting and helpful that I enrolled in a two year Distance Education Psychology/Social Work course, finishing with Highest Honours in 2003.
I began to get a lot of clients who were dealing with sexual assault and molestation and so I volunteered and took training with the Brantford Sexual Assault Centre. It opened up a whole new avenue of knowledge for me. Talking to victims on the Crisis Line sharpens listening skills and quick thinking. My husband and I now spend a portion of the winter in Florida and I have taken volunteer training with the Bradenton Florida Rape Crisis Centre as a Victim Advocate and I accompanied victims to the Hospital, Police Station and Court.
Since then, I have added 5PATH Hypnosis (Cal Banyan) and Ines Simpson Protocol, working in Esdaille and beyond.
I love teaching and so I took the Training to become a Certified Instructor in Hypnosis. I feel so fulfilled when I see my students all of a sudden “get it” during the course.
My latest addition is Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band with Hypnosis. My weight program did well before but with the addition of the Virtual Gastric Band, I feel I have found the tool that really helps people reach their weight goals. I have become the sole Trainer in Canada for Sheila Granger teaching other Hypnotists The Virtual Gastric Band with Hypnosis. I am now a Board Certified Hypnotist by the National Guild Of Hypnotists. I am also Board Certified by the Association for Integrative Psychology
After attending an American Convention, I recognized the absence of continued education in Southern Ontario for hypnotists to upgrade their skillsets and improve their practices. This is why, in June of 2013, I started the Canadian Hypnosis Conference, Canada’s largest annual hypnosis conference. The 2013 Conference, held in October, was a great success.
I now created an online platform to bring the same high quality information and talented speakers to an even larger audience through the Canadian Hypnosis Directory.
So this is my journey thus far. I love working with individual clients and groups. I have an intuitional gift from God when working with clients. Reframing from NLP and my angels feeding me the words to say help me to root out core issues with speed and accuracy. I love that EFT and Hypnosis empower people to physical, mental and emotional wellness. I get the most satisfaction from the fact that I can empower my clients, teaching them EFT to use at home to help themselves. I am so excited to be in the growing stage of so many Healing Modalities that I know will become mainstream in the near future.