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Your Six-Figure Hypnosis Biz 2019

Hey There and Happy New Year! HypnoProfessional

Suzie Bowers, CHt, Publisher, Coach

Can you believe we're already 3 weeks into 2019!

My gosh it flies by doesn't it. I know it's been a while since I have personally reached out and that is because I have been CRAZY busy with Hypnosis/Coaching clients. In the spirit of transparency....I remember now why it's important to have a system that works and makes good money, so you avoid "Session Burnout!" I AM Feeling IT! The exciting thing is....with our new system...I know IT WORKS!!! (more below.) I already knew that, but it just keeps getting better!

Thank You for an amazing 2018….

We had our best year ever both at California Hypnosis Center and HypnoProfessional Publishing and I want to officially say: Thank YOU to our amazing clients and friends, the integral part of our success……of course with the singular mind to help YOU be successful. It’s a Win-Win for sure!

Some Updates About Us and Exciting News and Sharing:

Because of the amazing marketing system created at Publishing's implementation of those strategies, California Hypnosis Center had a banner year with more clients than we’ve ever had! I actually had to open up 3 days in my office from 2! Whew! (I even had to see clients all day Saturday...didn't really like that much. LOL!)

Six-Figures is a reality when you use the systems we have in place for you.

HypnoProfessional System Works for YOU!

I use the exact same success blue-print I offer to you as a client of HypnoPro….and I’ve been pulling down $1,000-$3,000 weeks consistently for most of this year... (Minus the lull when I started a non-profit....don't even get me started on that one!)

Even more exciting, my calendar is already full the first 4 weeks of 2019 and the phone keeps ringing. Two new clients booked today, called at the same time! Yikes!

Relationship marketing, newsletters, social media and a fully integrated, lead-capture website/blog works….In fact, I cut way back on my local networking and speaking, as I’m getting most of my clients from the internet and referrals!

Whew! I am having a blast doing what I love, and watching others enjoy amazing results.

Hypnotherapy and Coaching Rocks! The BEST Life EVER!!

More Exciting News: Due to demand for hypnotherapists in my area, I’ve had several coaches contacting me to get certified in Hypnotherapy.

“Ta Da:” California Hypnosis Center is Now California Hypnosis Center & Academy offering full 50-150 hour certifications backed by the International Hypnosis Federation. Yay! (Thank You Dr. Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas…amazing as always.)

Online and in-person trainings are in development and will be available depending on intended outcomes. Feel free to set up a phone conversation with any questions you may have. We will also have a private Facebook Group for weekly discussion and ongoing training. Would love to partner with some other amazing hypnotherapists who would like to be involved and become part of the HypnoProfessional Team of Trainers.

Soul-Discovery CoachTM Designation is also coming up, for those professionals who want to work deeper in the spiritual aspect of our craft. I’ll be sharing more about this soon.

Let's set up a complimentary session and analysis of your marketing machine. Call me or email....2019 could be your best year ever!

Warmly, Suzie


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