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Is Your Hypnotherapy or Coaching Business Really Just a Hobby?

Is Your Hypno-Coaching Business a Hobby or a real business?

When I first started doing hypnotherapy, in 1995, I really desired a solid, successful, six-figure business. But truth is, I treated it more like a hobby. I gave away sessions a lot. I didn’t charge what I was really worth because I was afraid to ask people for money.

I didn’t have a real business plan and I didn’t know anything about return on investment, meaning how much money was I making on the money I invested in advertising, etc. I brought a lot to the business from my 1st career in real estate, with regards to marketing and sales skills, but still, I wasn’t being truly honest with myself.

Then, one day, something just clicked. I was tired of working and not really getting anywhere. I was doing 6 - 7 sessions per day and was exhausted. I was truly helping my clients to be successful in their lives, but I wasn’t walking my own talk and I wasn’t really living the lifestyle I really desired for myself and my family. On top of that, I owed taxes and money to the city I worked in for my revenues to renew my business license for the year.

The pain finally became larger than the comfort of just floating along. I knew I had to change and look at hypnotherapy and coaching as a real business.

It was in that moment that I became crystal clear on what I truly wanted and I knew I couldn’t settle for anything less. It was time to take a hard look at what I was charging, what I was spending and how much time I was really putting into my marketing and business planning.

First and even though I was resisitant, I took the advice of some very successful coaches and raised my prices. In fact, I raised my prices higher than any of my competitors. I was so scared and thought, no one will pay me this. They can’t afford it!!! Can anyone say: “Prosperity Block?” Yes, I was blocked. I had to work on my own subconscious programming around money to stretch to the next level. It was truly a stretch! I literally felt sick to my stomach.

I started doing my own self-hypnosis and affirming every day and every night: “I attract wonderful clients who I enjoy working with, who benefit from my services and can afford me, no matter what I charge!”

Then, I sat down and looked at everything I was doing, what I had planned to do and what never got done. What I found out, was that I hadn’t implemented all my ideas, but I had accomplished a lot, like getting my website up and going and doing a newsletter, which truly only got done about 2 times that year. Pathetic!

The reason why I say “pathetic” is because I knew my phone rang with a client prospect every time I did it. So what was keeping me from sending out my newsletter?

It may be the same thing that is keeping you from doing it. It took me a lot of hours to figure out what to write about. I had major writers block and the technology was new then, it was difficult to navigate. I had no clue what I was doing as I had never seen a “dashboard” before, let alone ever worked with one. (Actually, no one had, because the internet was new.) It was cumbersome and frustrating. Branding was difficult, because there wasn't any tools, colors, photos and such to match my website.

The other thing was that I was selling a hypnosis weight loss program and success program on cassette tape, in which I received orders on my website all the time. I wasn’t even promoting that and it was obviously a great stream of income without having to see a client. I charged $99 for the 8 session audio series with a special sale at $65. The only problem with it was I had to physically copy and package the program and mail it out myself. That was time consuming.

However, a light bulb went off in my head. If I had 10 or 20 online orders each month, that was an extra $650-$1300 per month. Well now, of course, I think much bigger than this! Online products income stream is unlimited!

I also discovered that I started getting more clients once I raised my prices. My self-hypnosis prosperity reprogramming was working! The success coaches were right! I started attracting higher end clients that could totally afford my services and who were dedicated to doing the work.

Also, I stopped attracting people who didn’t really want to change and who wanted me to give everything away for free! Yippeeee!

I was on to something and I never looked back!

Today, it’s easier than ever to create a digital product to sell from your site or your newsletter. The good news is, we can do it all for you at a fraction of the cost of your time and energy. I wish I had this when I was starting out. It is well worth the return on investment. You know you need to do it, but it probably takes you 6-8 hours to plan, write and get a newsletter out.

I challenge you to make a decision today to stop treating your hypno-coaching business like a hobby and get serious about your business.

If you do want to go it on your own, that is great. We recommend as an email marketing and list building platform. It's relatively easy for most users, has great deliverability, mobile friendly and they offer a lot of training and support. Start Building Your List Here and get Your Newsletter Out to your Clients!

They'll Love You For It!

Call me today for a FREE consultation on the next steps to move you forward. We are here to help!

To Your Success,



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