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Blogging is a GREAT Way to Get Traffic To Your Website

And position you as the expert in your market. Find out more...

Writing blog articles is fun and can be lucrative and rewarding. As part of the HypnoProfessional Six-Figure Success Blue-Print, blogging is an affordable and effective way to gently push your website up in the search engines. By sharing your blogposts directly on your social media with a link back to your website, you can use your blog articles to grow your following, your email list and your expertise.

Blogging is a Great Way to Position Yourself as an Expert

The public perceives writers as experts. When you put yourself out there with ideas, positive suggestions and opinions, your readers begin to see you as a go to for advice and guidance.

Blogging Gives You an Opportunity to Share or Collaborate with Other Websites, Writers and Social Media Experts

Movers and Shakers in your industry will want to have your guest articles on their site when your content compliments their own and provides value to their audience. This can also lead to many opportunities to be a guest on podcasts, Facebook Live Shows, Youtube interviews and more. Blogging is also a GREAT way to start organizing your advice into small snippets that you can later turn into your book, or a FREE lead magnet to your products and services. As a hypnotherapist, coach or product marketer, blogging creates buzz and gives your audience an entire new perspective.

If you own a brick and mortar business, blogging positions you and your company as the go-to expert in your market. And remember, as mentioned, by posting your article on your social, you drive traffic back to your website and ultimately your email list.

Don't worry, if writing and tech stuff isn't your deal...we've got you. At HypnoProfessional Publishing, we have the entire system ready for you....we will do it all for you with our customized Done For You Services. We'll write your blog posts, build and manage your "lead capture website and CRM," and make you look like a rock star on your social media.

Included in your Lead Capture System is a complete 8 week training and weekly Mastermind with Live Q & A, training and expert interviews....want to find out more.

Give us a Call today and let's talk. 800.758.1239 or Book a Call Here.

Warmly, Suzie Bowers, CHt, Author, Business Strategist

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